That's right. Her complaint, which she checked on, was never filed. "Recently she did confirm that the second baby is not mine," Matthew tells the GBI investigator. I know eventually the chief would eventually like to get his officer back as well as his service weapon back as well, so we're going to try to expedite this as fast as possible, and when I mean expedite you know, within the next few weeks to a month, the agent said. I have been suffering for a while now and no one has noticed. There were two bullets, on different walls inside the closet. I didn't wash may hands, nothing like that either, that way for GSR., There's a possibility that we might collect your clothes, OK. How did his phone get in there and how was there activity on his phone if he was not in the kitchen with his phone?" Cops do find one bullet. But Griffin Police are treating this as a suicide attempt. That is not a reaction that I can relate to.". "If he would have just been a regular person he would have been taken to jail," said Jessica. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questioned Matthew about once he removed himself from the apartment. And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". I didn't know if I was dealing with a possible active active scenario where she still had the gun and she had shot Tyler, he replies. Jessica Boynton, 19, was a stay-at-home mom to 8-month-old Tyler and 2-year-year old Tollin. Matthew's hands were not tested for gunpowder either. He bangs on the locked closet door. Did he cause his estranged spouse's injury? He says, he got out of the shower and asked her for his phone back several times, but she refused, he says, until he admitted to her that he was cheating on her. Moments later Matthew's fellow officers from the Griffin, Georgia Police Department arrive on scene with body-cameras recording. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. Do you think Matthew did something? he asked her bluntly. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon, Jessica and his sleeping sons at home. Law enforcement was in his genes. The panicked cop grabs his police radio and runs outside to make the frantic call to dispatch. However, the GBIs own photographs, search warrant and evidence log all corroborate that the officers phone was on the kitchen counter after Matthew had already left the apartment. They did not swab me or Matthew, nor did they take his clothes," said Jessica. We had to establish a timeline for when that property was possessed before the marriage or after it. Thats what took so long to get it sorted out.. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best friend, Officer Joshua Guthrie--leaving his service weapon at home, in its holster and in the closet. "It was. "That was when approximately 24 minutes into the conversation, his demeanor changed and everything flipped," she recalled. Im not sure if it was slightly before or slightly after. Ashamed the FBI hasnt picked up on this yet . I can't even get it out of its case, she replied. Cops now know what was behind that closet door -- but the true mystery is just about to begin. One of her aunts is all over Facebook., GBI agent said, The bullet didn't even enter the skull. The police officer's wife was found with a bullet to the head, lying in their closet. Its so obvious a coverup. Matthew Boynton is the grandson of Sheriff Beam. Courthouse Annex, Solomon Street, Griffin, Six-year-old fire victim will give life to others through organ donation, Cause of fatal Saturday morning fire determined,,, GPD Chief fabricated, released record identifying Will Sanders as Matthew Boyntons father The Grip. Cops finally reach that locked closet door. And it's assigned to Matthew, her husband, the cop. It seems both Matthew and Jessica were secretly stockpiling ammunition for a bitter custody fight. According to Sanders, these items were obtained from a woman who contacted him and claimed to be Boyntons girlfriend. A text messages is sent to his phone from Jessica's phone. 11Alive reached out to the GBI and Officer Matthew Boynton, however, neither returned our phone calls. By June 6, Matthew returned to full duty with a new service weapon in his holster. Making his way outside, he calls for assistance over his radio. Which I knew that.. He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. GSW, possible to the head. Show the world how smart you are and uncover what the Wannabe investigative reporters couldn't figure out. The purpose of it, is when you're fighting with somebody to keep the weapon from coming out of your holster, but it's certainly easy to take it out under most cases. EMTs start carrying Jessica down the stairs on a backboard and click her into a gurney and swing open the ambulance doors. She thinks he found it before the incident. "She logged on to his Facebook, we got his Facebook messages and printed them out and started reading the messages between him and the lady from the dispatch," said the unidentified neighbor. What! I was scared to death, because I couldn't find [Tyler]that she would shoot me, I mean shoot him, shoot me, and then kill herself.. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best. A lot, she said, doesnt add up, especially since, she said, she had reason to live. Id be afraid to luve in that town until that poluce brotherhood is abolished. Who does she think hit her over the head? The neighbor believes Matthew Boynton discovered the divorce diary and simply snapped. He said the description of a self-inflicted gunshot wound didn't fit, noting her pristine and unmarked hands and calling it a very unusual direction in which to point the gun at one's self with the intention of committing suicide., First of all, the wound that she suffered was toward the vertex of her skull on the right side of her head; this would imply that she shot herself with a gun pointed downward near the top of her skull., The second most striking observation he said he made while assessing Jessica was neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling from gunpowder blowback.. Agent DeMarco approaches Meagan Browning, who's joined by Eric Kshywonis, at 61 Ashford Waythe apartment just downstairs from Jessica and Matthew. And, unfortunately it appears those questions will never be answered," Mathews said. It's the second infidelity in their relationshipJessica admitted to cheating on him before they were married. What did Matthew do that he needed covering up? Dispatch notifies Spalding County Sheriff Wendell Beam, who is also Matthew's grandfather and police notify Jessica's family that she has died. She had an appointment Monday.. I can't even get it out of its case, she replied. Now she lives in terror every day because she can't remember who attacked her. GBI agents, however, have closed her case. "That's the way we're gonna play this game, Sheila. The agent had that phone, I think DeMarco, Chris DeMarco had the phone and they was [sic] trying to get in the gate, and, uh, he accidentally hit, I guess, the last number dialed, called or whatever. That question lingers--but not for Georgia Bureau of Investigations, who said the case is closed--repeatedly stating that they are satisfied with their findings. Matthew, a police officer in a small town called Griffin, in Georgia, rushed home. "I believe I just heard a shot fired coming from my residence. Jessica's theory of what happened centers around her "dirty divorce diary." "I would not have said that to him," said Jessica. After you got on the radio and you were outside communicating on the radio, you never went back in to actually check, check on the kids, the agent questions Matthew about once he's out of the apartment. She's like 'I got you where I want you and you're gonna go down for this,' and he pulls his gun out and she runs into the closet to hide, and instead of shooting her, he hits her on the head with a baton," said the neighbor. I was looking for a job and I finally found one. And that's all I needed, so I was on cloud nine.". I didn't try to wash my hands, anything, because I knew GSR and all that would be involved.. No, never. They were calling me the miracle child Because what I went through, not a lot of people survive through it, she told 11Alive's Brendan Keefe, nearly six months after the incidenther golden blonde hair now growing back. In fact, 68 text messages are exchanged between him and his mistress. If not, get on a plane and go HOME.". The subsequent investigation was short-lived, with it having been deemed a civil matter. However, with the later discovery of previously-unknown evidence, it evolved into an Internal Affairs investigation resulting in two felony charges against the former law enforcement officer. Well I couldn't get it for him because I couldn't get it out of his gun holster, she said. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon . (South Florida Sun Sentinel/TNS) Her husband is cheating on her with another woman, reveals Browning, who said, they called dispatch a few nights earlier because he took the kids. She's breathing, but unresponsive. Once established as her personal belonging, this one piece of physical evidence contradicted Boyntons January written civil statement in which he denied possessing any of Lesters property. Dispatcher: Any weapons inside the house? Officer Robert Brian Jones is also dispatched to the Ashford Way apartment building. Despite what many think is a smoking gun, the GBI agent asking questions proceeds as if Jessica shot herself. I attempted to contact Jessica Boynton via telephone to advise her that this is a civil matter. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. Was the investigation a mess up or a cover up? Her limp body is on the floor, just behind the door. I would have said, I can't do this anymore, comma, take care of Tolin and Tyler, period. I would have said, suicidal not suicide thoughts.. That's what Jessica and Matthew Boynton thought would happen when they said "I do.". No bullet fragments were recovered from her head. He said that she was so distraught that she was doubled over, and he said that she stood, closed the door in his face and then at that point he went ahead and left.". "She's like, 'This is exactly what I need to get my divorce from him.'". She told me to take care of the boys, so I'm trying to hurry up and get back home just to make sure nothing is going to happen to them. How does Jessica explain the "suicide text" sent from her phone less than 10 minutes before her husband Matthew called 911 in a panic? The crying officer tells Jones that he left the apartment and was meeting Guthrie at Waffle House, when he received a text from Jessica that indicated she was going to kill herself. Once the investigation was closed, reporter and publisher, Sheila Mathews, investigated the shooting for her newspaper, The Grip. It's like I tell them, they make it twice as bad because I'm a cop, Matthew said. "I can't do this anymore," the message read. That was the best physical evidence that we had, Yates said. Jones eyes a small child sleeping on a bottom bunk bed in the back bedroom. His phone is pretty active tonight. That's fine. One of about 70 messages they exchange throughout the night. I finally had the evidence that I needed that Matthew was cheating on me. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. Jessica is also slinging allegations at Matthew's brothers in blue at the Griffin Police Department, and Matthew's grandfather Sheriff Wendell Beam. To text back long story I'll tell you later.. provided images. "Really somebody just needs to look at it, somebody of great knowledge of things like this, and then let them tell me what they think," said Jessica Boynton. "She suspected Matthew was cheating on her and so she dug for information, and we found it," the neighbor said. A message to Matthews phone is received and marked as read, from his girlfriend--from inside the evidence bag. Until recently, Matthew's grandfather, Wendell Beam, reigned as Spalding County sheriff. And with that Matthew Boyton's questioning was over. He drove back to the apartment, he tells Jones, but it was too late. FOLLOW THE EVIDENCE FOR YOURSELF, CLICK HERE. It's a question 11Alive investigators asked a few months ago, when Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton's wife, Jessica, allegedly shot herself in the head with his service weapon,. Do you think Matthew did something? he asked her bluntly. Both Jessica and Matthew reportedly want a divorce. The only person who truly knows what happened behind that closet door was jessica -- and she's now out of her coma. Theres a lot of speculation and a lot of theory, but evidence is not there to cause me to do that., When told The GRIP had received information that the Griffin Police Department had contact the GBI Friday morning prior to Boyntons arrest, and asked the basis of that call, Yates said, That would be just to let them know what were doing.. But many believe Jessica holds the only key as to what really happened inside that closet. "Nobody would shoot themselves like this," said retired homicide detective Tim Miley. The second bullet hole is more of a mystery. Matthew's fellow officers try to shield him from the sight of his gravely injured wife. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. As she continues to tinker with clothes, she notices that her red and black composition notebook, which is usually carefully tucked under a pile of clothes inside her closet, has been left on top of the clothes. Who does the neighbor think sent that text message to Matthew's phone from Jessica's? And they said yes. When he's not driving a truck, Sanders studies police records looking for things investigators missed -- or possibly covered up.
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