Human Capital Management System (HCM) intended to modernize human Effective January 31, 2002, all time spent on required travel to an alternate worksite shall be compensated consistent with the requirements of the FLSA. For purposes of the subcommittee, in lieu of the statewide labor management committee Unit 17 representatives, the Union may appoint two (2) facility representatives to participate. All CDCR, OCE, Unit 3 eligible employees shall work a 220 Day Academic Calendar Year. Donations shall be made on a form to be supplied by the CDE, signed by the donating employee, and verified by the CDE. WHITE - POSITION CONTROL ANALYST, LOG SHEET. The Counselor on the applicable Area overtime list who is at the top of the list (i.e., has been offered the least amount of overtime hours) will be offered the opportunity first; if that Counselor declines the opportunity, the Counselor next on applicable Area overtime list will be offered the opportunity, and so on until the applicable Area overtime list is exhausted. The employee will be permitted to bid in the subsequent continuous post and bid period. SEIU Local 1000 shall be given a copy of the training program sixty (60) days prior to its implementation. triers of fact for these hearings. Either party reserves the right to submit recommendations in addition to the joint report or if a joint report cannot be agreed to by both parties. represented Hearing Officers would act as both advocates and These assignments shall be counted neutral; that is, these assignments shall not be counted in either Management's or Union's positions. The employee may make a request to the employee's supervisor for an ergonomic evaluation at any time. It is the responsibility of the employee to provide the employer with an alternate means of notification if the employee is unavailable (i.e., vacation) anytime during a thirty (30) day period following the close of the bidding period. Unit 11 employees whose job assignment requires the employee to have a commercial driver's license are subject to drug and alcohol testing as defined in 49 CFR 382, et al. The State agrees to provide Unit 14 with a written status report, within six (6) months of ratification of this Contract. Read more IL: D163 Park Forest 10/1/17 - 9/15/20. Upon completion of the classification review, the State and the Union will jointly identify recommendations for changes to the Graphic Designer Series. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. The State shall distribute overtime fairly insofar as circumstances of health and safety permit, and provide employees notice of possible or actual overtime assignments. "Standby" is defined as the express and absolute requirement that an employee be available during specified off-duty hours to receive communication regarding a requirement to return to work and be fit and able to return to work, if required. Exceptions to this limitation may be granted. Unit 17 employees shall be permitted to exchange hours of work with other employees in the same classification, performing the same type of duties within the same work area(s) provided: The exchange and repayment shall occur within ninety (90) calendar days from date of approval; The supervisor(s) approves the exchange; and. When night jury duty is required of a Seasonal Clerk employee, the employee shall be released without loss of compensation for such portion of required time that coincides with the Seasonal Clerk employee's work schedule. Employees who have been selected through the post and bid process are precluded from bidding on any position for a period of one (1) year from the date the employee was finally "awarded" a position. An employee alleging seniority date errors/disputes and is unable to resolve the problem with verbal communication shall submit a complaint to the first formal level of review within the normal time frames specified in the grievance process. Article 6, section 6.11 (Arbitration Level) shall apply to out-of-class and misallocation grievances except as otherwise provided in this section. The parties may agree to mutually extend the twenty (20) calendar day time frame. 2019, and continued to challenge the state to value the work our SEIU Local 1000 only Post and Bid Request Form: The written request form provided by respective DGS offices and completed by the permanent full-time status employee requesting to be reassigned to any position/assignment in the employee's current classification. A Teacher, Specialist, may acquire tenure only as a teacher. Release time without loss of compensation may be granted for up to one hundred percent (100%) of the time required for course attendance. The State Personnel Board (SPB) recently approved the creation of This shall include all documents printed, or copied in-house by Bargaining Unit 14 members, or . Duty statements shall be consistent with the Unit 17 employee's classification specification. especially hard task given that the pandemic has made health The State and the Union agree to meet and discuss the results of the review and recommendations, including the following: The State and Unit 20 agree to establish a Joint Labor Management Advisory Classification Committee to review and make recommendations on updating existing classification specifications which do not reflect the current duties. There shall be seventy percent (70%) of the CNA qualifying post assignments at each facility that provides healthcare. The list will be a progression as described in the above paragraph. State employees on approved leave of absence prior to January 15, 2011, who return to active employment on or after January 15, 2011. input from Local 1000 will roll out over the next year at Napa guidance, the Field Operations Division (FOD) will implement Californians. An employee may voluntarily withdraw from participation in the twenty-four (24) month Bid Process by submitting a written request to the employee's supervisor. Duty statements, post orders, and work instructions shall be determined by the appointing power or designee and will be consistent with an employee's classification. To this end, permanent full-time employees may apply for an Employee Opportunity Transfer to a position at another location within the employee's department in accordance with the following procedure: Employees desiring an Employee Opportunity Transfer shall apply in writing to the employee's department head or designee in a manner prescribed by the department. Miscellaneous/Industrial First Tier retirement members first employed by the State on or after January 15, 2011 and prior to January 1, 2013 are subject to the First Tier B Retirement Formula. Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time qualifying service, i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc. Consequently, WWG "E" applies to classes and positions with no minimum or maximum number of hours in an average workweek. Plan and update to the COVID Prevention Policy. office workday. The examination does not interfere with the operational needs of the department. Departments (excluding CDCR, CDCR-DJJ, and CCHCS) shall publish an updated seniority list the first week in January and the first week in July of each year. May establish minimum requirements for specific courses and/or may set maximum credits allowed for given coursework. If a further tie exists, then ties will be broken by "lottery" thereafter. On Monday, October 25, 2021, SEIU Local 1000 (the Union) met with Seniority scores will be determined by counting one point for each month of full-time BU 20 qualifying service (i.e., from full-time hire date, less any time off for unpaid leave, suspensions, etc). On February 27, our GeoPay TaskForce presented the acting director of CalHR and a team of state representatives with an in-depth report recommending solutions to the economic challenges many state workers facecaused by the high cost of living in the communities they live and work in throughout the state of California. management to address all health and safety concerns for our Unit 15 employees who are not covered by a Post and Bid Agreement and who request a work assignment or shift change not involving a geographic relocation shall submit a written request to the facility/program management or designee. The State shall endeavor to provide employees with thirty (30) calendar days advance notice, but not less than fifteen (15) working days, of permanent changes in shift assignments, except in emergencies. Once the investigation has been conducted and if the charges have not been substantiated, the employee shall be returned to the employee's bid assignment. The vacant assignments that have been determined by the State to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. Seniority is based on total months of state service. Adjust the employee's shift starting time to provide a ten (10) hour break between shifts. specifically in terms of information security. In exceptional (uncommon) situations not covered by section 23.9.3, Personal Necessity Leave (PNL), on a case-by-case basis and subject to supervisory approval. prior meetings. Telework Policy, the most recent update to the Return to Office Confer with management over the notice to re-open the Driver with SEIU Local 1000 within 60 days of completion of that review. In accordance with Article 13.7.4 of our contract, State As posts/positions in designated Unit 15 classifications become available or vacant, they shall first be reviewed by the State to determine whether they shall be posted or filled without posting, in order to maintain the ratio of eligible to non-eligible posts in each department. When assigning mandatory overtime by inverse seniority, i.e. If because of coverage or other legitimate operational need, it is determined that a bid assignment's posting criteria must be altered, the employee filling that assignment shall be notified of the proposed changes and the reason for such change in writing. If the State does not schedule CTO within one year from the date the overtime was earned, the State must provide cash payment for the overtime or may, at the request of the employee, extend the time the employee can take CTO. Through the establishment of a volunteer overtime seniority system, departments will endeavor to reduce the amount of mandatory overtime by distributing overtime fairly among volunteers as permitted by operational needs, security, health, safety, and emergencies. Chuckawalla Valley, Centinela, High Desert, California The final award will be announced on the EDDNet within five (5) working days from the end of the protest period. Effective July 1, 2020, no SEIU Local 1000 represented employee shall make less than $15/hour as a result of the implementation of PLP 2020. Due to new IRS rules regarding fingerprinting and background If work-related issues arise at America's Job Center of California between State employees and operators or supervisors of other partners, the operator or other supervisor shall refer such issues to the State employees' civil service supervisor. The list will be a progression as described above. Announcement of Eligible Posts, Position Orders and Seniority Scores: No later than the second Friday in August, the department's designee shall publish in an accessible location an updated post assignment schedule, the current budgeted position orders and the seniority scores for all eligible employees. Exclusive Employee Representative: Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 Number of Employees: Approximately 100,254 full-time equivalents General Provisions . Permanent status is when the employee has successfully passed the employee's probationary period in the class. Per the contract, State The State and the Union recognize there are various licenses and certifications held by the employees. surgeries. Committee, according to our MOU (contract), Section 10.2. Seniority: Defined as one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time Departmental Unit 20 service, with ties broken by one (1) point for each qualifying month of full-time state service. conversion of PI workers. As stated in Government Code section 20683.2, effective July 1, 2013, State Safety members shall pay an additional one percent (1%) retirement contribution making the employee's total contribution rate ten percent (10%) of monthly pensionable compensation in excess of three hundred seventeen dollars ($317). Bargaining Unit 4; Bargaining Unit Name: Office and Allied: Representing Organization . client demands) and in accordance with Unit 15 provisions. Counselors will not be offered Night Attendant overtime unless the Night Attendant list has been exhausted. While participating in rehabilitation as recommended by the substance abuse professional and with prior approval of the employer, employees may use accrued sick leave, vacation, annual leave, compensatory time off, or other accrued paid leave. Upon appointment to a Unit 17 position, departments shall provide each Unit 17 employee with a duty statement which describes the duties the employee is expected to perform. In case of ties in seniority, assignments will be made by service in class. Involuntary Removal: Management may remove an employee from a bid position when the employee fails to demonstrate that the employee has the knowledge and skills required to perform the duties of the position. implementation of a new electronic timekeeping system. At the date of commencement of service for the second school term, or fiscal year as applicable, at that school, the transferee shall lose tenure at the school from which the employee transferred and shall have tenure at the school to which the employee transferred. This is the third GSI increase we won in our current contract. confer with the Department of Social Services (DSS) on Tier 2 Employees in Work Week Group (WWG) 2 required to work in excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be compensated for such ordered overtime either by cash payment or compensating time off (CTO) in the following manner: Cash compensation shall be at one and one-half (1) times the hourly rate. Smaller fractional units will not be accumulated. However, if the awarding of the post and bid violates EDD's nepotism policy, the bid will be denied. The State shall provide a minimum of sixty (60) days written notice for an involuntary transfer which reasonably requires an employee to change the employee's residence. Safety Branches across the state. All full-time DJJ/CEA Unit 3 eligible employees shall be permitted to retain the Educational Leave credits accrued prior to the termination of accrual described in paragraph A. above. percent (20%) of their time or equivalent to one day a week. Swift and decisive action by Local 1000s legal department shut Agresso unit-4 developer. October. As part of an ongoing process of enhancing the work of their This awarding of P&B assignments will continue in order of seniority until the P&B process is completed, with all the ninety percent (90%) assignments being awarded or the bids submitted have been exhausted. The vacant assignments that have been determined by management to be filled by bid shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this section. There shall be no inter-institution bidding on assignments. On the first day of the qualifying monthly pay period following the completion of each period of paid employment, the Seasonal Clerk employee shall earn eight (8) hours of credit for sick leave with pay subject to the following provisions: A Seasonal Clerk employee shall not be removed from scheduled work hours because the employee is on sick leave. Employee contributions made under paragraph A of this Article shall be paid from the same source of funds as used in paying the wages of affected employees. to the office on a 1 day per week basis for all employees The list will be titled, "Night Attendant Overtime List.". We had a Telework Team Secures Agreement with the State; Eyes Upcoming Essential Worker Premium Pay Negotiations. The Committee will consist of up to five (5) State representatives chosen by the State and five (5) Union representatives chosen by the Union, who shall serve without loss of compensation. Meal periods shall not be counted as part of total hours worked except for those employees who are required by the State to perform assigned duties or remain at the employee's work station during meal periods.
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