Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sliced through the bread in an hour and it left sticky residue on the knife and the insides was tacky. Flour blended and autolysed for 2 hours@85F. 150g bread flour, 150g all-purpose, 90g whole wheat flour with 350g water (slightly warmer than room temperature by the touch), with 90g of starter and 9g of salt. Step 1: feed the sourdough starter About 12 hours before you plan to mix the dough, to a clean jar add; 10 grams unfed starter 25 grams water 25 grams flour Cover the jar loosely and allow it to rest and room temperature. Rest the dough for 30 minutes. The water and other wet ingredients are absorbed into the flour. Often the bottom of your sourdough is burning. If you've found this article on handling wet, sticky sourdough helpful, you might also enjoy these: What a great resource you've created here. Your bread may still be sticky after baking if it has been underbaked, has too much water in it, or has had problems with gluten development in the dough. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read more about me and Breadopedia story here. SOLUTION - Depending on the cause of your spread, you can implement the following fixes: PROBLEM - Dough splits in places other than where you've scored or even splits messing up your decorative scoring. Plastic and metal dough scrapers are useful tools and both have their own pros and cons. (12-15% protein content), plus extra for dusting 2 teaspoons fine sea salt Method. Send your bread making problems to [email protected] your name, your location, a method or recipe if possible and the temperature of your kitchen if you know it and we'll get to the bottom of your most common problems right here. Place the sourdough into the pot using the silicone sling or parchment paper as a handle. Large mixing bowl Measuring cups and spoons Bread thermometer ( fancy or a budget one) Scoring lame Extra (nice to have): Kitchen scale Dough scraper and bowl scraper (yes, they are different) Cooling rack Baking stone (you don't need a dutch oven if you use this) Learn how to make bread and pizza with this awesome book. In my other courses, I teach how to bake all sorts of sourdough breads, but in this course, I won't load you down with lots of information, just enough so it is easy and fun to bake your first loaf of sourdough. To make the levain, combine the sourdough starter, water and flour (see image 2) in a medium bowl and mix until well combined.Cover with plastic wrap and stand in a warm, draught-free place (approx. Maybe tomorrow but it can also be the day after tomorrow. Another tactic is adding flour to the work surface before you start working with the dough. Also, if you find the outside is brown and the inside is moist, that normally indicates you should lower the baking temp. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you're using all purpose flour, it can be a good idea to add some vital wheat gluten to the mix. Sourdough bread problems are often multi faceted and you will find that they are not always caused by one issue. Rest for 30 minutes @76F. It's when this doesn't happen that problems start to occur. Place in bannetons. I would like to share with you what I have learnt from the many hours spent researching and testing these baking techniques myself. During shaping, we want to wet our hands to prevent the dough from sticking to it. You don't want to add extra flour as this will affect the texture of the end product (which actually won't be very good at that point). Nor should it be sticky after youve baked it. Or you need to give the sourdough starter more salt.Another root cause may be the recipe relative to your environment. We can use the mixing time below as a sanity check to determine if we have indeed under mixed or over mixed our dough; if you fall way out from the range in the table, increase or decrease mixing time to stay within these guidelines. Loaf In a small mixing bowl, mix the flour and salt together thoroughly. It really depends on where you are in the sourdough process. If your dough is too dry, add a little moisture and mix it, adding just a little more water if necessary. Stretch dough into rough 10"x17" rectangle, laminate and move to clean vessel for bulk. Another reason we want to minimize dusting is because the additional flour from dusting is not well hydrated and when baked can leave unsightly gray streaks on your sourdough bread that taste raw. The problem with damaged starches comes from the over absorption of water. CAUSE - cutting into your bread too soon! Alternatively, you'll need to adjust the amount of starter in your dough to suit the temperature of your kitchen. This is the sourdough baking course you need if you are just starting out in sourdough bread baking. Id recommend picking up one metal and at least one plastic scraper to aid you in handling your sourdough. When I first started baking, everything that could go wrong, went wrong; it felt borderline alchemy to me. PROBLEM - My sourdough looked great when I removed it from the oven - it was crusty! Having a strong gluten network means that the carbon dioxide produced by the yeast will be evenly distributed. 310-330 . These need to be done without hesitation. The usual choice of flour for dusting includes bread flour, rice flour, semolina; all these flour works just as well for preventing sourdough from sticking. Final internal temp 211FSliced after cooling for 4 hours. The good news is, there's always a way to fix your sourdough bread problems for your next bake! This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Meanwhile chop the cranberries. Home Why Is My Sourdough Too Sticky? Its very important to avoid tearing the gluten as this causes it to become sticky again. If your kitchen is too warm, the dough can become a sloppy, wet mess. The crumb is open and definitely "finished" - the bread can be compressed and springs right back. Sourdough does not stop cooking when you take it out of the oven. This method involves mixing the dough so the flour is fully hydrated before performing a series of stretch and folds. If the dough is too sticky at this point, add a little flour and knead it in. The only time I wouldnt recommend using wet hands is during shaping. When the oven floor is clean, but before the equalizing soak, the temperature is ideal for pita bread, which cook in a minute or two. CAUSE - This is typically caused by under fermenting your dough, but can also happen through using too much flour when you shape your bread. This will ensure that the bread is cooked all the way through. The bacteria on the other hand create a sour taste and ferment the bread. Extend your bulk fermentation time. I love adding cornmeal, both for flavor and texture, into my bread doughs: Yeast and bacteria prefer warmer temperatures. Thank you so much for the guidance! The only solution for this is to toss your dough and put your time into strengthening and maturing your sourdough starter. no one but me would notice or care). Bake the sourdough bread. sourdough before baking. Then the dough cannot stick to the surface. Pale crust after baked. You might think it seems dry when you first mix it and add extra water. However, it is possible to get sticky sourdough that is hard to get out of the pan or cut into pieces. To achieve a 75% hydration I will attempt again with the following: 390g of flour mix to 282g of water, adding on 90g of starter (at 100% hydration as I always to a 1:1 flour water ratio feed). We all know that drier dough is easier to handle since it sticks less, so use this to your advantage and make a basic low-to-medium hydration sourdough before you try the more difficult higher hydration ones. When the percentage of damaged starch particles in flour exceeds 10%, your dough will become wetter and stickier over time. SOLUTION - Tunnels can have a few solutions: PROBLEM - My sourdough isn't cooked all the way through. This excess water is not retained inside the dough but rather coats the doughs surface causing it to be wet and sticky. It will look like cloudy water. Cover the bowl and set aside for 30-60 minutes. Rest for 30 minutes @76F. Matching my work schedule. When you have finished Sourdough Bread Baking 101, you will have the confidence to not only bake using your own sourdough starter, you will be ready for more advanced sourdough baking techniques which will enable you to bake all sorts of sourdough artisan breads. Step 1 - My starter is at 125% hydration. Acetaldehyde is a known stomach irritant and causes watery diarrhea. Sourdough that has hydration levels of more than 72% tends to be sticky and tears apart easily when it is handled. Send your . It's best to choose a higher protein flour, such as a bread flour. If you cant shape it, the sourdough is too sticky. In a separate smaller bowl, add 220 grams of warm water. Rest uncovered for 25 minutes. All Purpose flour is ok, however it generally doesn't have the protein necessary to develop a strong gluten network. Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly ajar and place your bread directly on the oven rack. 150g bread flour, 150g all-purpose, 90g whole wheat flour with 350g water (slightly warmer than room temperature by the touch), with 90g of starter and 9g of salt. If baking in a pre-heated oven, turn on the oven to at least 200C/392F, once heated, add two big glasses of water to a dish on the bottom shelf Kneading manually will most likely just make a sticky mess thats stuck all over your fingers and difficult to clean up, but with the stretch and fold, youre touching the dough very little and you wont have to worry about it sticking too much. High temperatures can cause premature over fermentation, which will result in wet, sticky sourdough. If you are new to sourdough bread baking, I recommend reducing the hydration (ie. As the gluten develops, the dough becomes less sticky and more manageable. This is mainly because sourdough is higher hydration, meaning it contains more water. Cover with plastic wrap and keep covered in a warmish place in your kitchen at around 77F (24C) for 1 hour. When water is excessively soft, the lack of minerals results in a sticky andslack dough. A well developed gluten network has the strength to hold the gases and produce an even crumb. It might be that your sourdough is too sticky because there is insufficient gluten development. Bread Baking Tools A Must Have For Any Baker, Learn how to make bread and pizza with this, Why Did My Quick Bread Not Rise? You can still bake it and eat it, but it will be a solid mass, not the light, airy sourdough you were expecting. One set of strong Stretch & Folds. #7 The bread cooled in the oven When the bread looks ready, some bakers turn the oven off and leave it inside for 20 minutes to make their bread less gummy. And this time we'll be sure to wait longer before slicing up "Danny"! PROBLEM - Base of my sourdough bread is thick and chewy. Rest uncovered for 25 minutes. Insufficient gluten development is what makes the dough so sticky, so if youre using a low protein flour (protein in flour creates gluten), it wont be able to create as much gluten in the dough and it will, therefore, be stickier. Once you get it all set to go try this delicious Sourdough Focaccia recipe yum! Is Cake Flour The Same As Self-Rising Flour? PROBLEM - Gummy sourdough (dense, moist crumb) is the most common sourdough bread problems facing home bakers. If your dough is dry, it is because you added too much flour. side question: Does the 675 g of water, and 75% hydration include what's in the levain? If it sticks at this stage, youll have a much more difficult time and it could throw of the results of your bread. Damaged starch particles also varies from one milling facility to another. A tightly shaped dough that has been stitched when placed in the banneton will hold together better when tipped out for baking. It is normal when working with dough of very high hydration for it to feel quite wet and sticky after it has finished mixing. MAKE THE DOUGH Mix the sourdough starter and water together in a large mixing bowl - I use my dough whisk for this. When working with high hydration level dough, the dough gets very close to the point of 100% saturation from the high quantity of water, and it is difficult to get any more water to be incorporated into the dough. Gently turn the dough out onto a separate floured flat baking tray (not preheated). SOLUTION - extend your bulk fermentation to enable the yeast in your dough to release some of their energy before hitting the oven. You ideally want to achieve a window pane. Bread flour. Mix the drier dough until it has developed into the desired dough strength. This method of developing gluten should prove to be much cleaner and easier, but its up to you to figure out which gluten-development method you like the most. This is really only an issue once you've done bulk fermentation and you are trying to shape your dough. Sticky and wet crumb means the crumb is too wet; there is too much water in the finished product. When mixing dough of very high hydration, it can often be excessively wet and sticky and you may find it difficult for the dough to hold in all that water. Add the honey or maple syrup, pumpkin pure, pumpkin spice and salt. Once you get comfortable, you can gradually increase the water content of your dough and see how you manage it. This is the most comprehensive and easily understandable explanation of sourdough I have read. Well, sourdough is a stickier, wetter dough than regular yeasted bread. If all has gone well, the dough will be in a tight ball and ready for proofing. . A lack of oven spring could be due to a shaping issue, under fermentation or poor gluten development - but more often than not it's a combination of a few things. The strength of your dough should build as you perform stretches and folds. Skin tension during shaping is developed when one side of the dough sticks lightly on the work surface while the hands pulls the dough inwards from the opposite side, stretching the surface of the dough taut. 24.5- 28C) overnight (12-14 hours). A starter is a collection of yeast and bacteria that feed on flour. If the dough breaks before you can pull it so thin that you can see the light, resume kneading. Bread (well anything really) continues to cook for some time after it comes out of the oven and, although it is hard to resist, if you cut the bread while it is still hot, the starches will not have completed setting and the crumb will be soft and seem a little 'doughy'. Turn out to lightly floured counter, divide into 2, preshape. Dough that splits in this way is almost always under fermented. I find that I need to bake the moisture out before the top crust gets too hard and seals in the moisture, and if that happens then you just end up over-baking the crust while it's still gummy inside. Shape into batards. Youll notice that you can stretch the dough further and less will cling to your hands by the time youre done. Agree with the previous comments and hotter, longer and let dry,, Lamination butter for croissants - question, Mexican buns aka coffee cookie buns aka rotiboy buns, Farmer's Market Week 18 (Whole Wheat Walnut YW/SD Combo), Red Fife x 4 = Awesomeness!!! Lightly Flour One Side Of The Dough During Shaping. If you are working with regular dough, ready How to Fix Super Sticky Dough. The sticky side should only touch the dough. The water almost wholly stops the sticking, so you dont have to worry about messing up your dough. Mix by hand until all the dry flour is incorporated. When water is excessively hard, it tightens the gluten as well as decrease fermentation rate. Being slow or having any hesitation can lead to the dough adhering to something it shouldnt, which would make your life a lot more difficult. You just get more un-fermented dough that wont stand up. Thanks. Sourdough made with bread flour can take up to 6 hours to cool properly. 25 minute proof at room temperature. Set aside. If you are doing decorative scoring, it's still advisable to have one "utility" score and then your more shallow, decorative scoring. Cutting it too soon stops your sourdough from completing the cooking process and results in a gummy, wet texture when you cut it. For the most recent of these, I used the following recipe/process:66.67% 600g King Arthur Bread Flour33.33% 300g Whole-Grain Einkorn (locally grown and milled by River Valley Community Grains, in NJ)20% 180g Liquid levain (King Arthur AP Flour)2.1% 19g Kosher Salt75% 675g Water, Levain built and matured for 3 hours @85F . Even with parchment paper, the base of your bread is sitting on the hot base of the Dutch Oven causing it to cook more quickly. Your guide to solving sourdough bread problems. Mix dry ingredients together. Second, mix the dough using a previously fed, active and bubbly sourdough starter, water and a mixture of bread and whole wheat flour. Thanks so much. In a large bowl, combine 350 g of water with the sourdough starter, stir to dissolve the starter. Rest for 30 minutes @76F. This part is extremely important as its what determines whether you end up with a well-shaped sourdough or a mess. But what if your dough is really wet and sticky and you just can't do anything with it? Method. Throughout the shaping, the dough felt aerated and light and bouncy and it was easy to handle after dipping our hands in water. If you simply cant handle sourdough with medium-to-high hydration, its better for you to either gradually knead in more flour or start off with less water in the first place. Step 4: Bake. Let your sourdough bread come to room temperature before you cut into it. Hot water strengthens the gluten in the flour. In this blog we will explore what causes wet, sticky dough and how to fix the issue so you can bake amazing sourdough bread. Add the sugar and salt. It can be a mixture of rye and wheat or just rye. However, it's much better to find out the cause of the problem so you can fix it and prevent it from happening again. You need to make sure that you keep your kitchen at a temperature between 24C - 28C (75F-82F). Then, I use my wet hands to pick up a side of the dough, stretch it up, and fold it over. I have, however, always let my bread cool for at least 4 hours, until its at or very near room- temperature, and it continues to be sticky - even when left in the oven to steam out for a little while after baking is completed. If youre struggling with high hydration dough, then you should absolutely lower the hydration and see if you get better results. Instructions. Cutting the bread while still warm will create a gummy interior as the crumb hasn't finished setting. Use a 65% water content and you should be able to handle the dough and shape it with little to no problem at all. Sourdough baking is a never ending journey of learning - and that's what makes troubleshooting it so damn interesting! Hi community, i am new to this forum but have been reading a lot of advice from fellow bakers here while my sister and I are trying out our very first sourdough.. We have gotten to "Charlie" (we name our sourdoughs alphabetically hoping to get it right before the alphabet "Z"), but our sourdoughs were never right. Mix, and add some spices, dried herbs, or even some cheese powder. (Top Reasons). During shaping, a light dusting of flour is what you need to prevent the sourdough from sticking to your kitchen counter. CAUSE - This most likely caused by under fermentation, but can sometimes be a shaping issue too. Overproofed bread will also have a pale crust because the yeast has used all the sugars and therefore there are none left to caramelise the crust. Water was 350 plus 45 in the starter for 395. Bread SOS Episode 5: STICKY / TACKY Sourdough Crumb. PROBLEM - My sourdough bread has an unusual cone shape after baking. Many people use food thermometer to measure the internal temperature of their bread. If your dough is too dry, add a little moisture and mix it, adding just a little more water if necessary. Excess flour at shaping can mean that your dough does not seal back onto itself, causing tunnels of air to form when baking. Some recipes are simply wetter and stickier than others. Without these it will be sloppy and hard to handle. Even though our dough doubled in size at the end of four hours with visible strength around the rounded sides, there weren't bubbles on the surface of the dough. After sourdough fermentation, the lactic acid bacteria produce acetaldehyde. Take the bowl off the scales and mix well, it will look rough and lumpy, but never fear it will soon start to look like bread dough! That's one of four for the set. If you can see the light through the dough, youre done the kneading. Place in bannetons. Jack Sturgess. Autolyse vs Fermentolyse: Which One Should You Use? Instead, stretch and fold it. This method works better with slack dough anyway. Place a small oven-safe cooking pot (6x6-inches) with a metal lid into the oven and preheat to 450 F. Gently place dough with parchment paper into the pot. Third, cover and rest the dough for 30 minutes. Autolyse is an important part of the baking process where flour and water is initially mixed without any other ingredients and left to rest for about 20 to 60 minutes. Copyright 2021 The Pantry Mama 2021 - All Rights Reserved, 5 Ways To Strengthen A Sourdough Starter: Give Your Starter A Boost, Sourdough Discard Crackers Recipe with Parmesan + Rosemary, Easy Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread Recipe, Sourdough English Muffins {with a discard version too}. Your dough might be too sticky because you added too much water when making the initial mix, too. How Do You Know When Your Sourdough Starter Is Ready To Bake With? Start by swapping out 12-15% of the white flour for whole grain flours; then increase to 25% (and so on) if you are happy with the results. Boil the kettle too. Your email address will not be published. We want to mix the dough until it develops adequate gluten network which is indicated by a dough that is stretchable without tearing but at the same time offers a degree of resistance when pulled apart. The easiest thing you can do to handle your sticky sourdough is to simply make it less sticky by cutting back on the water. The only thing you might need to fix with your sourdough is its hydration. Q: My dough is too slack and is not developing good strength. Once mixed, the dough enters the bulk fermentaiton phase where folding also takes place which helps significantly to develop more gluten network as well as to incorporate more water into the dough making it feel less wet and sticky. In this article, we're going to talk about some of the causes of what makes this happen, as well as how to sort it out if it does happen. Generally, flat loaves will still taste ok, they just lack that beautiful airiness we want to see in our sourdough. If you want to you can spritz your dough with extra water before you put the lid on. Over fermentation is a cause of wet, sticky dough. If using a stand mixer, change to the dough hook. Content posted by community members is their own. Another tactic is chilling the dough for a while. SOLUTION - Allow your bread to cool for AT LEAST 90 minutes (much longer for rye bread). . In order to have an easier time handling the dough, you need to maximize gluten development. When using the autolyse method which call for the initial incorporation of only flour and water without salt, we may sometimes forget to include salt in the final mixing phase. The chains of gluten give your dough strength and structure. Also, remember that sourdough is extra sticky when the gluten isnt fully developed. The dough will be sticky and doesn't quite form a ball. This also provides its sour flavour and. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'crustylabs_com-leader-4','ezslot_20',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crustylabs_com-leader-4-0');If you are proofing your dough in a non porous material such as a metal or glass container, then oiling is preferred over dusting with flour. The next day, preheat the oven to 500 degrees for 60 minutes. Final internal temp 211F Sliced after cooling for 4 hours. Just dont freeze it. - lower hydration in the total dough formula (already noted above). If you see anything inappropriate on the site or have any questions, contact me at floydm at thefreshloaf dot com. Would really appreciate some pointers, thank you in advance!! If you find your sourdough bread dough is too sticky when you are dividing and preshaping, it might be because it's over hydrated, under strengthened, or under proofed. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.Thanks!Jeff. Bake in preheated, covered DO at 475F for 20 minutes, then uncovered at 450F for 20 minutes. The average total mixing time when using a spiral mixer is around 6 minutes of total mixing (includes first speed mixing time and second speed mixing time). Most loaves are soggy at the bottom because they've not had the heat but you can simulate that at home by using a hot stone. Use mineral water of a known hardness or test your tap water to be sure that your water has the appropriate hardness level for bread baking. Stir vigorously until combined; it might look like a sticky, thick dough. Cover and let the dough double in size, about 12 to 16 hours. If you wet or oil the work surface, the dough will just glide over the work surface and not able to be pulled taut during shaping. Damaged starch absorbs water during mixing as opposed to undamaged starch where the water merely coats the outer surface. The more gluten it contains, the better it holds together. Youll find that the dough sticks much less and youll have a better time shaping it. More often than not a tight crumb with a number of larger holes - but it's not even or open. Thanks @Barryval and @ifs201! The stickiest of doughs are the ones that dont have a developed gluten network. You want to be quick when moving or shaping the dough to prevent sticking. Day 1 - The Start. When this has cooled, add the rye sour, yeast mixture, 2 cups medium rye flour and the remaining 4 1/4 cups all-purpose flour. We retarded the dough for 16 hours. The bacteria produce both lactic acid and acetic acid. Makes 1 x 800-g/1-lbs. By using the tips below, youll be able to learn how to handle your dough without it sticking to you, so you can actually manage it and make great sourdough bread. You wont be able to shape it when its wet. Try placing your dough in warmer area of your kitchen (75F-80F is ideal) - monitoring your final dough temperature to keep it as consistent as possible - or consider investing in a bread proofing box . This blog contains scientific explanation on all matters related to baking written in simple words; I hope you will find something useful here and leave as a better baker. Put the lid on and place into the hot oven. Cover the bowl with a clean shower cap or plastic wrap and rest at 80F/26C for a minimum of 1 hour or as long as 2 hours. Okay, so maybe sourdough is never going to be extremely easy to handle, especially when it has very high hydration, but you can get to a point where youre very comfortable with handling sticky sourdough. CAUSE - gummy sourdough can be caused by a starter that's too young or inactive and or under fermentation. Temperature is one of the most important factors when making sourdough. 1. Both of you mentioned a point in common on the hydration where I made a huge mistake on as I did not account for the hydration of the starter added. "Final" or "overall" hydration is supposed to include both the water and the flour in the levain. While sourdough is a wetter, stickier dough than what you may be used to, it should still be able to be stretched, folded and shaped without too many issues. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'crustylabs_com-box-3','ezslot_2',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-crustylabs_com-box-3-0');There are other reasons besides having very high hydration levels that can cause your sourdough to be wet and sticky. The flour you choose can have a big bearing on how your dough feels throughout the whole sourdough process. Be sure you open with an autolyse, a step far easier than it sounds. Internal temp when I took them out of the oven was, again, 211F Just a tiny hint of tackiness this time around, well within the bounds of acceptability (I.e.
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