We update our PVU to USD price in real-time. 1xBit - Crypto Casino & Sportsbook get you up to 7 BTC for free. Didn't receive confirmation instructions? The token is compatible with Binance Smart Chain and can be stored on it. The Contract Address 0x00dadc67dbf98ced4a526e78864eb9061d83d676 page allows users to view the source code, transactions, balances, and analytics for the contract . Step 1. FINALLY ITS A SONG OF JOY COMING OUT OF MY FAMILY BY SOFTWARE, If you use the website's content without a Link, your content will report automatically and manually to the. Gamers should only have mobile devices for that. Once harvested, remove the land plot to plant another new Sunflower. Of course, dont forget to keep some BNB for transaction fees. CryptoSlots - 25 Free Spins at CryptoSlots. The company behind the platform arranged the IDO to sell tokens to investors and to cover the setup cost. . It is recommended to exchange at least 5 PVU to start the game. If you would like to know where to buy Plant Vs Undead at the current rate, the top cryptocurrency exchanges for trading in Plant Vs Undead stock are currently CoinTiger, Gate.io, and PancakeSwap (V2). Book your slot here! PVU tokens can be traded on centralized crypto exchanges. Here are the steps on how to convert your Light Energy (LE) earnings in Plant vs. Undead into real-life cash. SAFEMOON V2 PRICE HIT 0.04CENTS! The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data. Select the "Custom Token" tab. To receive alerts, please allow web browser notification permission. Binance Uyars ve Luna Luna Coin #Luna #LUNC #Crypto #Bitcoin #LunaCoin. Track your favorite coin easily with CoinGecko , Password must contain at least 8 characters including 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number, and 1 special character. As for competitive gaming, there is a one versus one mode with two players competing on the leaderboard. The address itself is the location of a smart contract which manages the . Every token has a contract address by which they get their notation and their existence. To submit a token information's update request, please confirm beforehand that you have: BscScan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for BNB Smart Chain, BscScan 2023 (BSC-B) Use this application to convert your token's smart contract address to the ERC-55 format. Customers with investments that exceed 500 USD had to lock their assets for their gradual further release in the same way as it is done with the tokens that belong to the team. UA-109208733-1. Unless said contract that received the tokens had implemented a function that allows it to transfer received tokens, they are lost and stuck. Then you can trade every plant you have in the marketplace. [PlantVsUndead (PVU)] (https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/plantvsundead/) is a free NFT play-to-earn game that was launched in June 2021. A typical customer, however, is a fan of the PvZ genre and belongs to the age group under 35 that includes both men and women using a mobile device. Live Plant Vs Undead harga hari ini adalah . In this video,all steps on how to add plant vs Undead token has been laid out. Dont Miss Out: Get Your Gala Before Its Too Late! Plant vs Undead (or PVU) is a multiplayer tower defense game inspired by many widely-known tower defense games. The game offers three types of gaming that include free-to-play, play-to-earn, and competitive gaming. Gamers find it a real pleasure to own something in their favorite games. The live Plant Vs Undead price today is $0.009873 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $16,050.95 USD. The process of buying PVU tokens can be tricky, however, if you follow a list of steps (explained here), which by the way are almost the same as buying any other cryptocurrency, you can easily acquire PVU tokens. A Step-by-Step Guide, Plant vs Undead (PVU) Review: Introducing NFTs in the Tower Defense Gaming Universe, What Is Plant vs Undead (PVU)? Size up the stablecoins sector with our new, Login to track your favorite coin easily . When the price hits the target price, an alert will be sent to you via browser notification. Plant Vs Undead naik 3.86 dalam 24 jam terakhir. All over Midirim, Elves are known for their discipline and highly-effective battle and combat strategy. Return to your farm home, and youll notice a new plant with the caption Add pot to start farming. Click on the plant slot and then the Use button next to the pot. (10% weekly increase is subject to change. If you are interested inother crypto games, check out the following articles to learn about moregames and how to play them. Make sure you copy the proper contract token and take note of the decimal entry to move on to the next stage. var _wau = _wau || []; _wau.push(["map", "6ij5bybmsb", "v5x", "100", "50", "neosat", "cross-brown"]); MoonSale: The Simple, Safest Decentralized Launchpad CryptoTvplus, Why romance scam thrives in bull & bear markets CryptoTvplus, Affiliate marketing; hackers new way of promoting ransomwares CryptoTvplus, How to Find Metadata For Your NFT Art on OpenSea and Rarible Watcher Guru, Sarcophagus dApp Goerli testing round How to participate Geeks World Wide, $SIS Makes a Breakthrough: Launching Token on BNB Chain BSC NEWS, Dive Into the New Sushi Studios Venture by SushiSwap BSC NEWS, Wombat Exchange Drops Major Bombshells in New 2023 Roadmap BSC NEWS, Pi Network Opens Video Contest for Pioneers BSC NEWS, Shido Launches Next-Generation Cross-Chain DeFi Ecosystem and BSC NEWS, DOS Labs Avalanche Subnet Takes Gaming to the Next Level BSC NEWS, WINR; gaming liquidity pool on Arbitrum CryptoTvplus, Update: FEG Token Trading to Resume After Migration Tool Audit BSC NEWS, FlokiFi Locker Closes in on $40 Million TVL, Records New Peak ATH BSC NEWS, Polygon Partners With Ripio to Target Crypto Users in Latin America BSC NEWS. What is pvu token contract address? Token is implemented as ERC20 smart contract with address 0x31471e0791fcdbe82fbf4c44943255e923f1b794.. What is the contract . 3 How to add custom token to MetaMask? WARNING! The PVU token trading has already begun and the players can acquire the token by swapping it with the Binance Coin (BNB). 0x31471e0791fcdbe82fbf4c44943255e923f1b794. NEW PREDICTION $0.01 CENT IS NOW $10! You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes. 4 How to add tokens to PancakeSwap. Plant vs Undead Token's market cap is unknown. 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To add them, youll need to import PVU as a token. You may plant any Sunflower, which will give you the LE rewards in the description. Plant vs Undead (PVU) is a multiplayer tower defense game, where your plants are also your real asset. Book your slot here! Their primary focus is on mobile devices as they hope that everybody can play their game anytime and anywhere. You should conduct your own research, review, analyse and verify our content before relying on them. Register with BSC and get 240% first deposit bonus. I would like to subscribe to CoinGecko's daily newsletter. (A piece of advice, check the graph of PVU to see if it is a good time to buy the token, DYOR) 2. Make sure you only click once, then wait for the interface to update. ***************************** Show more, Latest 25 from a total of 9,078,772 transactions, BscScan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for BNB Smart Chain, BscScan 2023 (BSC-D) Plant Vs Undead (PVU) has taken the NFT market by storm. Plant vs Undead is running on the Binance Smart Chain Network. 4.1 Click info and then token. The multiplayer mode is available in the game. The token tracker page also shows the analytics and historical data. PVU token Contract address . The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #1791, with a live market cap of $343,837 USD. No content on our Site is meant to be a solicitation or offer. Before Farm 2.5, players could participate in daily quests that involved helping neighbors water their plants and scare away crows. In many aspects, Plant vs. Undead is similar to Plant vs Zombies, but it involves non-fungible tokens (NFTs) acting as the . You may also try your luck with the Sun Box, which will give you a chance to obtain the following items (subject to change): Once you have purchased the necessary farming tools and seeds, you are ready to plant your Sunflower. You can copy PVUs contract address (0x31471e0791fcdbe82fbf4c44943255e923f1b794) and import it manually, or if you've installed MetaMask's chrome extension, add PVU to MetaMask with one click on CoinGecko. The contract address is necessary for MetaMask to know exactly which token you're referring to. Step 2: Goto 'Tokens' tab immediately you login. Learn more about BEP-2, BEP-20, and ERC-20 tokens and how they compare against each other in this guide. To begin growing sunflowers, you will need at least one little pot and one set of water, which you can use 100 times. Water your plant twice by clicking the Use button next to the watering can icon. Didn't receive confirmation instructions? Click to Find out how to play Plant vs Undead. The main goal of the project is to provide the players with a free-to-play game, in contrast to other games, which requires an initial investment of at least 3 NFT assets. This refers to the address location of the actual token contract that manages the logic for the tokens. On the top of your MetaMask wallet, change your network to Binance Smart Chain. How to migrate little rabbit from V1 to V2 for Trustwallet (Android and IOS), 43 Contract Addresses for free Trust Wallet Airdrops, Trust wallet hack!! Once you have obtained sufficient PVU and BNB tokens, go to Plant vs Undead official website and login to the game by connecting your MetaMask wallet. A summary of the steps are below. The highest price paid for Plant vs Undead (PVU) is $24.73, which was recorded on Aug 25, 2021 (over 1 year). supply of 300,000,000 PVU coins. All rights reserved, We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. The Farm also started working in July 2021. Check Plant vs Undead Token (PVU) ERC20 Token address in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet, transactions, wallet, status, gas fee, time, cost, transfers, and other analytics, charts and widgets . This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. As the game is still in its testing phase, it updates quite frequently. South Korea, Singapore and Japan most impacted by FTX's collapse, with a combined 15.7% traffic share to FTX.com. Elves are cunning, extremely intelligent, and vicious strategists. You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password in a few minutes. Anonymous play on awesome games - sign up now for 25 free jackpot spins - worth $100s! The same amount (60 million PVU) is spent on the ecosystem that allows the team to develop the game further. Such that, the LE -> PVU rate would be 500:1 on the first week, 550:1 on the second week, 605:1 on the third week, and so on. Plant Vs Undead (PVU) team comprises investors, product designers, and mobile app developers with several years of experience spanning over four years. Once on the. One thing to note is that since the game is still in its very early stage, the developers are seemingly still trying to figure out how the GameFi ecosystem should work out. May 5, 2022. Once you are on the PVU page, click the Metamask icon just right beside the contract address of PVU so that the token will be added to your Metamask automatically. After selecting "Add Token," choose "Custom Token.". The balances of one token contract can be stood for physical objects, currency value, even the holder's reputation. Always enjoy and learn from your calm voice and perfect way of explaining things. The Address 0xe999bb85a9ff86a754d4ca9e0aa27d7d2b9f79d6 page allows users to view transactions, balances, token holdings and transfers of both BEP-20 and ERC-721 (NFT . In this article, we will look into how to start playing the current version of Plant vs Undead. Meanwhile, the PVU -> LE rate would remain 1:105. Plant vs Undead Token (PVU) ERC20 Token smart contract calls from address 0x31471e0791fcdbe82fbf4c44943255e923f1b794 activity in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. A short and sweet guide on how to add PVU token to your Metamask Wallet. In the meantime, check out some other coins that currently do have Tokenomics data. . Players reward and Ecosystem 150 000 000 (50%). Market cap is measured by multiplying token price with the circulating supply of PVU tokens (35 Million tokens are tradable on the market today). Read this article to learn how to playPlant vs Undead. Depending on how the emission schedule of PVU tokens are designed, it might take multiple years before FDV is realized. Plant vs Undead is a multiplayer game where users can earn real assets, i.e. We make no warranties of any kind in relation to our content, including but not limited to accuracy and updatedness. Shiba Inu Price Prediction 2021 | Shib News Today, PlumCake Finance -New Yield Farming on BSC, Ready for PancakeSwap V2. Find out here. 3.