Middleton Pipe Tobacco Joe had some sort of preferred agreement with Charatan, I believe, and also sold lots of Dunhills. Still a great tobacco, notwithstanding all the evil that the companies that have manufactured it have made to worsen it. Perfection is rare. The brand was originally produced by Sobranie of London in 1920, and became a top-selling brand worldwide. apparently admissible under the non- adulteration laws at the time, which prohibited all topping but did permit Cavendish. My first pipe experience whatsoever came when I told my mentor that I just didn't have the palate for fine cigars (the $3 ones tasted the same as the $30 ones to me) and that I was far more interested in trying pipe tobaccos. Excellent smoke and very close to the original which is almost impossible to source and the reason why I am holding onto my last tin. This is due to the blend's extremely limited production. This was one of the first pipe-tobaccos that I really enjoyed on all levels, and, naturally, it was the pipe-tobacco everyone else hated. Shopping Options No filters applied. The Latakia is signific antly more dry than the virginias and orientals, and perhaps because of that the mixture is not well blended. Hard to find but worth the wait. Rather sweet base, campfire room note. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A crowning achievement in the tobacco blending craft without question. I am puzzled about availability. Air time and letting it open a bit was all it took to take this to a new level. It was smoked easily until the end of the bowl. I bewailed the last tin in my Weed Store, sold to an undeserving oik who wanted to try 'Sumfin' new. So, how does it taste? First: I never really imagined smoke the legendary The Balkan Sobranie. of STC Holdings LLC. And I am always happy to try and evaluate new mixtures. To me the (alleged) Smyrna provides a delicious musty, spicy note that I don't have the pleasure of tasting often. O.k., whatever you say. Pouch Aroma: Rich, woodsy, smokey, leathery, hints of nuts Packs: very easily Lights: Very easily. Both generate wonderful clouds of leather and oak, and upset the women. After losing one of my 80s pouches to mold, I've now jarred all of them up in Mason jars in the basement and sealed them up tight. The tobacco was a little wet in the tin so some airtime was mandatory. Blended and aged in the British Isles, Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking Mixture is comprised primarily of Latakia with a mixture of Orientals, Virginias, and other fine tobaccos for a bold, earthy smoking experience with notes of spice and a mild sweetness. I feel very fortunate to be able to have enough of this legendary tobacco to offer this, my first review. Well if they put this in their new age purses, maybe I'll listen. My efforts were rewarded today with my first bowl ever of Balkan Sobranie. . It came in a pouch and in a large tin. Packs a punch! The Virginias drive this tobacco for the most part, with the Orientals making an appearance from time to time, all this under the supervision of a most delicious Latakia that has a red wine like flavor. This spectacular blend stands on top of the rostrum of the Hall of Fame, together with famous 759, and only few others. I suppose I should move on and find something that grants me such pleasure again. Do your self a favor and try at least one tin you won't be sorry. Balkan Sobranie Pipe Tobacco One of the most sought after pipe tobaccos still produced today, Balkan Sobranie is a Latakia-based blend that even the most dedicated enthusiast often has not been able to try. A musty, fermented, sour and Latakia rich smell invades the nostrils as I fill my pipe. I find this blend to be smooth, gentle on the tongue and glorious whe n rolled thru my nose. 2 Reviews; 2 Reviews. Dating back to around the 1920s, this is a combination of wonderful Virginias, excellent Orientals and enough Latakia for a robust and flavorful mixture. Quick view. There is an acidic nuttiness like roasted walnuts, and a perfect sweetness as well. 10 again One can only hope and pray.. Not strong or overpowering at all. The Virginia is semi-sweet, bready, touch of graham cracker, and in perfect harmony to round out this blend. The scarcity of Balkan Sobranie has elevated it to mythical status, which is just a bit over-doing it IMO. If you ever get to try this blend, don't rush past savoring the pouch aroma! Maybe these are the good old days! I don't blame smoking pipes, these things happen sometimes I reckon. The job ended before I did. In my honest opinion J.F. It is incredibly smooth and creamy, with a mild sweetness and a dry, salty smokiness that reminds me more of Syrian Latakia than Cyprian (I don't know for sure which one is present). Pipe News |, |About Whatever or however the process, this is the Holy Grail of pipe tobacco. SUTLIFF BALKAN SOBRANIE #759 MATCH. The nicotine content is not heavy at all, but a solid medium. We will deny any order we believe has been placed by a minor. in Slavic languages) either there or in London, their eventual home, along with their delightful, white Turkish cigarettes, and their renowned Russian Black and Gold (- tipped) cigarettes. After a couple of years, I was also gifted with a small portion of a pouch of real early 80's Sobranie White. I know this is it usual but Years ago I was an occasional cigarette smoker and I really enjoyed the cigarettes made from this brand. On lighting, I was struck by the overwhelming depth that is so rare in any blend these days and the distinctive taste of the special Orientals in this classic. Taste: Regarding taste the tobacco is a good mix of the pouch version and my 1981 tin version. I welcome other reminiscences, additions, corrections; but, N.B. All in all, it was a very pleasant experience and I am looking forward to repeating it. I now understand why so many bemoan the exodus of this from the US market. Hope to increase production, now the demand is far greater than supply!!! It leaves a fine grey ash, and cakes poorly, so I tend to break my pipes in with something else. I hear you can get this across the pond. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | The smoke, always changing yet always characteristic and steady, could never be ignored, no matter what you were doing: each draw was a conscious pleasure, the whole, like true art, more than the sum of its parts. The BS at that time was basically a latakia dump with just enough VA and oriental leaf to add a hint of sweetness. I don't see how one could find fault in this fine blend. I try to pick a time when I can set aside an hour to sit quietly and enjoy this fine tobacco. What can I say for me this is the gold standard for Balkans. The finish is cool and dry. I have smoked quite a few BS "matches" and none come close to replicating this blend. Opinions are to Balkan Sobranie what armpits are to Vishnu. Nevertheless, if you palate is not used to the strength of mixtures like the Dunhill my mix 965 and similar, you will not enjoy this blend very much. The smell is definately english/balkan in nature. Quite moist in the tin, it smokes fine directly from the tin but a little drying time is recommended. For those who appreciated the soggy aged Virginia note, try Germain's King Charles Mixture, Royal Jersey Latakia Mixture, or Esoterica's And So To Bed. Yes, this tobacco is all that I remembered it to be. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. Government (in the UK) considered it to be a pure tobacco for generations. Very evenly cut short ribbon pieces, and a bit of dust at the bottom which I assume is from being dried out for a period of time. Lucky for me the Turkish did not impose itself too much so I just ignored it. I can confirm that, while in decline, this blend is still a staple for any serious pipesmoker. 9 of 10. Unique,mild and full of flavor .. but something is telling me there is more to it than just a tobacco blend. . escaped her lips. Before production ended, Balkan Sobranie suffered from a dumbed down recipe and its quality plummeted. The latakia and yenidje play an excellent accompaniment, and all the flavors balance beautifully. After a few puffs, the tobacco flavors begin to meld & it just keeps getting better until the very end. Specials, and Other News! All rights reserved. It's the smokiest smoke I've ever had. Im glad to hear your thoughts. The 1990s and later versions have drier in taste than it was in the 1980s, due to the decrease in the red Virginia, which disappeared by the mid-1990s. The tobacco presents a fine white ash when burnt. Here you can really notice that there is more of the dark smoked leaf in the 2011 version. The flavor from top to bottom was full and rich. I've never smoked anything like it before or since. I need to find a source, because I'd smoke this all winter. The latakias has utterly melded and permeated the rest of the blend. Just lit you almost taste the pure latakia. If all this good smoke is coming from the tobaccos alone, that's incrediblealmost magical! Once the product has come back in stock, you'll need to resubscribe for future notifications. I was fortunate enough to come across some on ebay at a resoanble price (of course it was only for the packaging). Digging my memories I still remember the great surprise I received from this incredible, incense-like, perfume. I am basing this review on only two bowls, as I intend to keep the rest of what I have and make it last as long as I can. Borkum Riff Pipe Tobacco Yet they did not update the tobacco selections. To my suprise I received some 5g sample pouoches, some old stuff of no significant meaning, 2 tins of Dunhill 965 murray's and a 50g pouch of Balkan Sobranie. It is not a Latakia blast; however, the Latakia is more in the background keeping the groove solid as a drummer often does in jazz. I was impatient while filling my first bowl straight out of the pack which I later regretted, but I will come to that. Every bowl. Rattray's did not come close at all. If nothing else, they served as the inspiration for the whole genre of Balkan mixtures available today, and some of my favorite blends fall into that category (Odyssey, Abingdon, Magnum Opus, Wilderness, etc.). A LEGEND. Outstanding. You can see how it is a hard composition to blend, with ingredients often hard to obtain, and whose consistency over 130 years has been variable to say the least! In my opinion , Balkan Sobranie is just a name for a tobacco not available since circa 1980. I wanted to make sure my review didn't reflect a myth. The same topping as the 1981 and pouch version. Tobacco Type:Latakia, Oriental, Virginia. Since 1912, Providing Premium Cigars, Quality Pipes, High Grade Pipe Tobacco, You know how things get distorted after so many years "ahh, those were the GOOD old days.". So I began a quest to find some, and I found several pouches. If you can find this blend, do yourself a favor. Mixture is comprised primarily of Latakia with a mixture of Orientals, No bite whatsoever. I say ?real? Is it back in production or is this old stock? Overall: A classic Balkan that I hope someone re-introduces again in its original form. I can only imagine how good the original issue was; I smoked it in my college days (1970s) and also smoked the Sobraine-made Smokers' Haven blends (which I still smoke in their Germain incarnation) but the taste memory has faded over the years. It is a quite good tobacco, which to me ranges somewhere in the medium spectrum of things, occasionally jumping up to full strength but never settling there. Germain has really done a fine job with this blend, so much so that for my personal taste, the new era BS wins hands down! The flavor is rich, dark, smokey, spicy, somewhat like a cigar, but ever so much more complex. I'll start with the presentation in the tin. Medium strangth was fascinated me, nearly full taste was enchanted me. . It is good smoke and I'm glad I got a hold of a couple of tins but, that's about it. In the late 70s and 80s I took this mixture for granted and smoked a lot of it and I highly appreciated it until it suddenly disappeared. And sometimes I cut in some Turkish. I bended my own Balkan Sobrane Original Mixture with these 6 top of the line tobaccos: Wellauers- Latakia .Which is true Syrian Latakia (The real thing)I had five tins sent from Tabac Rhein in Switzerland. And yet, the aromas and flavors of the other ingredients were not overwhelmed. I'd do it again. I thought to myself "Yes, this is exactly what my palate envisioned pipe smoking would be, and it is Good.". It had been 15 years since I had seen this "Varietal". and before I spent the $95 I thought twice.. and then, of course, pulled the trigger. Once my pipe was filled I went out in the hall of the resort to light it. The yenidje seems to have been the same in all versions. Finally, even the Saseini was taken over by Orlik a few years ago, closing the chapter on the book of Sobranie with finality. (Or by virtue of present supply, Sasieni). or Best Offer +$5.50 shipping. Bright spices highlight carefully layered creamy notes of full creosote and there is an unidentifiable charming "classic" room note surrounding it all.The gravity and power are there too, so it must be respected.Let it brood and let it come in its own time. Nice english, occasionally a hint of soap on the lat. Current Stock: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Add to Wish List. The burn is cool, smooth and easy to maintain. First the mixture is not homogeneous in any respect. I find Nightcap, Penzance and Black Mallory to be more complex. We reserve the right to verify delivery to cardholder via UPS. Blended and aged in the British Isles, Balkan Sobranie Original Smoking I opened this tin given to me as a gift by dm14 and I thank him for it. Im not very fond of Latakia heavy blends and was pleasantly surprised that the Latakia doesnt overpower the Orientals or Virginias. Requires few relights, and leaves little dampness in the bowl. CAO Flavours Pipe Tobacco Rich and full of flavor this blend is a satisfying smoke to be savored slowly. Be patient your time will come.. Burns at a reasonable pace, cool, clean and moderately smooth with a very consistent, mildly sweet and floral, savory, campfire flavor. Something about the mystique of the name made me click the "favorite" button but, oddly, I never reviewed it. Anyone who disliked Germain's Balkan Sobraine can send their tins to me. In true honesty, I used to rotate this tobacco with Murray's Early Morning Pipe and Standard's Mixture, just for a change of pace, but I have never smoked something quite like it. The virginia presents itself in the form of a winelike aroma. An elderly and dear gentleman who resides on my street, was gracious enough to give me a couple of tins for Christmas. During the pursuit of perfection, excellence was achieved.
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